How do you play a table top game without a tabletop?
With the usage of PHPBB's message board system. Each seperate forum acts as a different area of the city.
How do players roll dice?
We roll dice electronically. Go to Dice Roller and check it out..
How is XP awarded?
At the end of each Game Day XP is sent via email. You get XP awarded based on Roleplaying, Content, and Background.
Roleplay - Which is broken down into 3 sub-classes: Realism, Depth, and Personality. Have you reacted to situations as your CHARACTER would have? Are your posts vivid and real or broken down to their simplist form? Does your character actually act like the person described in your backstory?
Content - How much does your character actually absorb from the game period? Did he silently follow everyone else's lead, or did he play an active part in getting to where you are?
Background - In character generation, you write a background story. During the game, the ST's look to see if any aspects of the characters actions are a reflection of something from the character's background story. If so, XP is awarded.
How many characters can I play?
Each player can have up to 1 character per genre (Vampire, Werewolf, Mortal). So 3.
How often does game time advance?
Game time advances as fast as the players as a whole make it go. 1 game day could be 1 week or 1 month. It all depends on how regularly people post, how long people spend in conversations, special events (Elysium, a Moot, or whatever the Sabbat do.), and so on.
'Dos and Don'ts'
Give detailed background stories.
Make sure the story you write is what you want to play. When the background is complete, do the character sheet. Please make sure the 2 documents compliment each other. You can see all the character creation guidelines on our forums.
(Once your character is approved)Be sure to check the in game Date and Time Stamp in the Site News block.
It is imperative that you begin every thread with a current time stamp for your character to preserve continuity.
Ask questions as they arise.
Get upset if your character is sent back for revisions or a complete rewrite.
We will give you alternative options, but remember there is a reason for everything. The ST Staff is willing to work with you to give you a complete character that you will enjoy playing and will fit in the city.
Sit around for days unhappy with how the plot is going.
Talk with a Storyteller about your dilemma. We are here to ensure all of the players enjoy themselves.
Get ugly with the ST Staff.
The staff is here to work with you. Present your issue and the storytellers will get back with you to discuss the situation in a calm manner. Remember, our goal is to make sure you, the players, enjoy the game.
Critique any player's spelling, grammer, or playing ability.
You will recieve a strongly worded response from the ST Staff and may recieve a suspension from the boards.